The Clay County High School Athletic Hall of Fame Board of Directors wants to encourage all students in Clay County, grades PreK through 12th, to have good attendance. We believe that good attendance is the key to success. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to have better grades and better reading and math skills.
As an incentive, we have voted to give the school that has the best student attendance for the 2022-2023 school year a $1,000 reward. The school that has the second best student attendance will receive $500, and the school that has the third best student attendance will receive $250.
Each winning school will determine how these funds are spent. However, they must be spent on something that benefits the entire student body. Also, the winning schools will be required to submit your plan to disperse these funds to the CCHS Athletic Hall of Fame for approval.
The Board of Directors include the following members: Larry Gillespie, President; Jerry Linkinoggor, Vice President; Greg Gency, Secretary/Treasurer; Bobby Stover, Dale Davis, Johnny Coulter, Mary Ramsey, and Bunny Taylor.