Alisea McMillion photo by Beverly Moore

By Allen Hamrick
If you ever look the definition of teamwork up in the dictionary it would have just one phrase, the Lady Mustangs volley ball team.
The Lady Mustangs have brought the CWVAC Championship trophy back to CCMS. It has been since 2007 that the trophy has been in the great halls of CCMS, and the Lady Mustangs have brought it back in style. All season they have been the team that has silently, methodically and without a lot of fanfare taken apart any team that has faced them. They did it with kills, some of which had enough zip to knock a small building down. They also did it with finesse on the net and never letting a ball touch the ground without hitting the floor digging for it. Serving the ball looked more like bullets finding dead center, some of which were so fast there was no reaction time for the other team.
It was the perfect season – going undefeated – and in that season only three times were the Lady Mustangs taken to a third game. For everyone else, the Lady Mustangs sent them packing in two. It was like watching a clock work, when they played with each girl playing their part 100 percent. There were no big I’s and little yous, they were equal and that’s why they are champions.
Coach Anissa Collins did an outstanding job and should be commended for getting these ladies prepared not only physically but mentally as well. The Lady Mustangs faced some tough teams in the regular season and once again at the championship tournament. The championship was separated into two pools. The Lady Mustangs faced Walton, Calhoun and Spencer. They took down Walton first then Calhoun and finally Spencer for the pool championship.
Summersville was the champion team in the second pool and faced the Lady Mustangs for the championship. It was no contest. As good as Summersville Middle was, they were no match for the Lady Mustangs and they made short work of their last game to become champions. If these girls can stay together as a team, I have no doubts that they could become CCHS State Champions. They are just that good and will only get better.
Congratulations to the Lady Mustangs on their perfect season. Getting All Conference for outstanding play was Jacey Collins and Abbie Moore. All Tournament awards went to Shaylee Robinson and Alisea McMillion.