By Betty Gandee

Clay County High School’s HOSA team is preparing for the state leadership conference, which will be held at Marshall University in March 2020.
The HOSA team always makes the country proud and represents the high school well at these events. This year there will be 44 students who plan to compete. These students are hoping to advance to the international competition to be held in Houston, Texas in June 2020.
With these students preparing for these competitions, HOSA will be holding a market fair on Dec. 7 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tables are available for this event and can be purchased for $30 each, or two for $50.
Some vendors that have already signed up include: crafts and gifts handmade by high school students in their simulated workplace classes (CTE Enterprises), Lularoe, Paparazzi jewelry, crafts by Paige Legg, crafts by Michelle Casto, Pink Zebra, Pampered Chef, ItWorks, Color Street Nails (Cathy Gibson), Buffalo Creek Railroad, Yardsale Tables, Wood Working by Austin Brown, TSA-mixed bags, Christmas Mini session photos by Lydia Brogan, Crafts by Jeanette Acre Gray, crafts and jewelry by other local vendors, and much more.
You can contact Lindsay Legg Schoolcraft by contacting the Clay County High School to reserve your table and show off your creations, all while helping the HOSA group achieve their dreams.