By Holly Nine
On Thursday afternoon, Oct. 6, many Clay business representatives, board of education members and parents joined together outside of Clay County Middle School to participate in the first of many annual walk-ins.
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which represents all teachers and school service personnel in West Virginia, held a Walk-In to show the students that the businesses, community members and parents support them and their education.
This is the first year that Clay County has participated in the Walk-In, and plans are in place to make this an annual event. Thursday happened to be Homecoming for Clay Middle, so it was a perfect set-up for everyone to join together and line the main hall at Clay Middle to show the students the support of their community as they made their way to the gym for the pep rally.
The turnout was great! Clay Bank, board of education members and Superintendent Kenneth Tanner, Clay Development, Rene’s Fabric and Gifts are just a few of the businesses that participated. The excitement that was seen on the faces of the children as they passed through the main hall way lined with posters of encouragement showed that they were excited about all the people that support them and their education.
Clay County AFT President Amanda Shelton is such an encouragement to so many students, and organizing this event in support of the children was a fantastic way to show the children just how much they have the support of the community. With hopes to continue the Walk-In as an annual event, and to spread to the other schools in Clay County, let’s make next year an even bigger event! Show the students of Clay County that they have the support and encouragement of their leaders in Clay County!