By Betty Gandee

Schools are shut down, businesses are closing, and people are in a panic over the unknown. This week has been a crazy time with lots of uncertainty. The Coronavirus hit China, Italy, and has quickly made it to the United States with West Virginia being the last state with a confirmed case just in the last week. Confirmed cases are now on the rise, causing concern for residents all over the state.
With store shelves bare, people out of work, and limited hours of operation for most businesses, it is hard to stay calm in this situation, but Clay County always steps up for one another and this situation has showed no different. When schools announced their closure, fears of children not eating were in the minds of most. The school board, churches, and local businesses were set on making sure students did not go hungry.
The Clay County Board of Education has delivered lunches everyday to students to ensure they are fed during the day. The Catholic Church has gone a step further and supplied bags of snacks and quick-make foods to go along with the school lunches. Many local restaurants took it a step further and offered any child free menu items to ensure they did not go hungry. Neighbors showing neighbors compassion can be seen throughout the county, with many offering groceries and general supplies to help the elderly in the area.
Clay County always rises to the occasion when help is needed, and this instance is no different. Small communities stand together and help in times of need.