By Allen Hamrick
Clay County football took a hit this week with all teams, Clay County High School Panthers and Clay County Middle School Mustangs, being taken to the woodshed.
The Mustangs travelled to Poca, and as they used to say in Elvis’s day, the defense left the building. The final score was Mustangs 14, Poca 48.
Meanwhile, the CCHS JV team got a shot at the Hoover JV team, and this was a pretty good game, but Hoover came out on top by the score of Clay 6, Hoover 14.
Then, the CCHS Panthers hosted Independence for their Homecoming game, and it was to be a rough night for the Panthers. The rain poured down on anybody or anything that got in its way. In the end, it was Independence on top by the score of Clay 14, Independence 42.
Football wasn’t the only action on the field Friday night. It was time for the royalty to wade through the mud covered and very wet field in all their glory. With rain coming down and umbrellas hoisted over the heads that wanted to stay dry, the half time festivities at the Homecoming game went off without a hitch. Yep, you guessed, it was queen’s night and time to crown the new Football Homecoming Queen of CCHS.
The CCHS band and the CCHS cheerleaders, dressed in their finest rain gear, got busy lining up in formation to welcome the new queen to the field and to her cheering fans. New queen Baylee Triplett, along with her court, graced the football field and, with enthusiasm, accepted the crown as CCHS principal Malinda Issacs placed it on her head.

She will no doubt be a queen that represents the school well. Her escort Seth Stover held the responsibility of being the queen’s bodyguard and keeping her dry as she strode across the field with the confidence and beauty of a true queen. Congratulations to Queen Triplett and the rest of her court. Freshman Princess Chelsie Workman was escorted by Logan Vance, Sophomore Princess Heather Sears was escorted by Issac Dulaney, Junior Princess Nicole Canfield was escorted by Nate Schoolcraft, and Senior Princess Haley Jones was escorted by Zach Wynn. They all represented CCHS and their families well.
Once again, congratulations to the queen and her court.