The Clay County Commission met on October 11, 2017. A motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting was approved.
A motion to approve the bills and purchase orders as presented was approved. A motion to approve erroneous assessments as presented by the Assessor was approved. A motion to approve a budget revision for regional jail was approved. A motion to approve a request of waiver of final settlement for the estate of Thelma H. Hinton, deceased, was approved. A motion to confirm probating the last will and testament of Betty L. Chapman, deceased, and the appointment of Sherree Davis and Betsey Chapman Moore as co-executors was approved. A motion to approve the appointment of Megan B. Workman Harold as Administratrix of the estate of Fred Allen Workman, deceased, was approved. A motion to confirm probating the last will and testament of Velma M. Adams and the appointment of dawn Denise Adams, Executrix was approved.
A motion to proclaim October 11, 2017 as WV Breast Cancer Awareness Day and October 2017 as Breast Cancer Awareness month was approved. A motion to accept the retirement/ resignation of Morgan Triplett as an employee of the Clay County Ambulance Service effective October 1, 2017 was approved. Mr. Triplett served for 28 years. A motion to appoint Mike Shamblin and Andy Haynes as members of the Clay County Broadband committee was approved. A motion to approve three Broadband Committee members for the Board of Directors was approved. Those are Jerry Linkinoggor, John Boyce and Andy Haynes.
A motion to approve an Equipment Service Contract as prepared by Appalachian Office Products for MCP307 copier located in the Assessor’s office was approved. The contract is for period ending September 29, 2018 in the amount of $600. A motion to designate the Clay County Business Development Authority as the “LEDA” Lead Economic Development Agency for Clay County during fiscal year 2018 was approved. A motion to approve a contract with the WV State Auditor’s Office for auditing the Clay County Commission for years ending June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2017 was approved. A motion to approve a resolution authorizing Greg Fitzwater, President of the County Commission to sign all documents pertaining to the preparation and submission of an application for a HUD Broadband Community Development Block Grant was approved.