Congratulations to Clay County High School students Caleb Atha and Holt Dawson. Atha, a junior, was elected as President of the West Virginia Technology Student Association, and Dawson, a freshman, was elected as Sergeant-at-Arms.
Generally, the President presides over and conducts all chapter meetings in accordance with parliamentary procedures, appoints committee chairs and serves on committees as an ex-officio member, represents the chapter at special functions, and coordinates activities of the chapter. The Sergeant-at-Arms assists in the preparation and control of meeting places, assists in conducting meetings according to parliamentary procedure, and promotes the general welfare of TSA. Candidates are required to file candidacy papers and be endorsed by their Chapter Advisors.

Normally, candidates would have given speeches to all TSA members at the State Conference at Cedar Lakes in Ripley, West Virginia. Regretfully, the State competition was canceled this year due to the coronavirus. As such, the candidates were required to videotape their speeches which were uploaded to the West Virginia TSA website and Facebook page for viewing. Statewide voting took place between April 2 and April 4. Election winners were announced April 5.
Other officers elected include Vice President Shelby Moore from John Marshall High School, Secretary Faith Lilley from University High School, Treasurer Andrew Jackson from University High School and Reporter Pepper McCormick from Calhoun County High School. Congratulations to Caleb and Holt, and to all these individuals, for their hard work, success and commitment to TSA.