By Betty Gandee

Every year the Clay County Board of Education recognizes students that excelled in certain areas of education.
These students from Big Otter, H.E. White, Clay, and Lizemore Elementary, as well as Clay County middle and high school, were honored and inducted into the James G. Dawson Hall of Fame on Thursday, May 16. Family and friends of the award winners joined the new inductees for a dinner prior to the presentation of medals.
James G. Dawson founded the very first county-wide academic awards ceremony for students, the Clay County Hall of Fame. The ceremony highlighted the most important characteristic of the Clay school system- student’s academic achievements. James G. Dawson served as superintendent for 22 years, was Former Director of RESA III, was a member of the Clay County Board of Education, and was a West Virginia State Senator. Thus, this esteemed honor was renamed the James G. Dawson Hall of Fame to honor him for his dedication to serving the students of Clay County.
Congratulations to all those who were inducted and earned the privilege to have their names recorded into the Clay County Board of Education minutes to be seen for years to come.