The Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society met September 2, 2015, in the Clay County Library. Present were Betty B. Robinson, Sandra Claybrook, Betty J. Robinson, Jim Miller, Lenora Pettit, Marlene Potasnik, Eloise Boggs, Danny Dawson and Jerry Stover.
The meeting was called to order by President Jerry Stover. The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved and Jim gave the treasurer’s report.
President’s Report: The most compelling topic for this meeting is our representation in the Golden Delicious Apple Festival, September 17-20.
1. Pending (anticipated) approval of the Apple Festival Committee, we will “set up shop” in the New Courthouse on Friday and Saturday, 10 AM to 4 PM. in the same space we had at last year’s festival (inside the courthouse, first floor). We will have a display of books, Now & Then newsletters, and other items, some for sale, and will have available materials for enrollment of new members.
2. Danny will have computers available for using our historical image website to view places and people of Clay County.
3. Our Historical Society Library, Old Courthouse second floor, will be open to visitors on Friday and Saturday, 10 to 4.
Other Items of President’s Report
1. The Steorts family of Hartland has only three remaining of the 12 children of Mr. and Mrs. Anon Steorts. Recently, son Robert has given pictures and other memorabilia to the Historical Society.
2. David Pritt has donated pictures and other items. Some will be displayed at our tables during the Apple Festival.
3. Elkhurst swinging bridge project: work to preserve the bridge is ongoing.
New Business
1. Betty B. has some items of furniture to donate to the CAEZ for their use.
2. Eloise presented a list of books which Pauline Karabogias donated to the Society several years ago, a valuable addition for our library.
3. Eloise reminded members about the upcoming Roane County Genealogical Fair (Saturday, September 26, 9 to 3, Heritage Park Community Bldg, 110 Church Street in Spencer), noting that in the past this has always been a very worthwhile opportunity to find genealogical materials and to talk to other genealogists and historians.
4. Betty B. mentioned an article in the current Charleston Gazette-Mail announcing availability of a scholarship to attend a seminar on Historical Preservation which will be presented in Washington, D. C.
5. The list of delinquent subscribers of our newsletter has become a concern. Pending the results of a plea for pay-up which was published in the latest Now & Then, the probability of a “purge” of unpaid members will have to be made. It was suggested that a notice to this effect be included in the Fall issue of the newsletter and that dues for only the current year be acceptable (forgiving past debts).
6. Garnie Testa book update: Sandra announced that members of Mrs. Testa’s family who are also working on the material will be in Clay the week of the Apple Festival. A meeting with them will be scheduled to discuss future plans for the book.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 7, 2015, 1:00, Clay County Library
Eloise Boggs, Recorder