and will work with any and all entities to tackle this problem. Remember—A vote for me is a worker for you.

I, Fran King, am hoping to get your vote to work for you for the next 6 years as your county commissioner. I have lived in Clay County all 54 years of my life. It has been a while since I have got to talk to many of you. My daughter, Christina married Matthew Deel on June 5th. Matt is an almost Clay County boy. His mother is Diane Scott from the Peach Orchard area and his father was Bud Deel (deceased). They are expecting my first Granddaughter May 4th who will be named Rylee Nicole Deel. Yes, I am beyond excited. I remarried a wonderful man named Daniel McCoy, from Calhoun County who brought 3 wonderful children and 5 grandchildren with him. The grandbabies call me Meme. (I think of that woman on Drew Carry with the bright blue eye shadow). But I love every minute of it. I also had a little battle with cancer but as of April 1st will be 5 years and the doctor said I am in remission and can
tell everyone I am a Cancer Survivor.
With all that said I want to work for Clay County and the citizens of Clay County. I will not make any promises with the financial situation our nation, state and county is in. I know the importance of adequate, safe drinking water for everyone. I would love to be able to bring jobs to our county. I know the drug problem in our county