Community Care of West Virginia’s Clay County school-based provider, Erin King, APRN, FNPC, spends every Tuesday at Big Otter Elementary School. While there, she providers chronic and acute medical care for students and staff.
On October 30, 2018, during Red Ribbon Week, King had an exciting opportunity to talk with students about “saying no to drugs.” Since it was close to Halloween, she used the theme, “Say BOO to Drugs.” While visiting classrooms, King provided each student with a goodie bag and a coloring page, and spoke with them about the dangers of drug abuse and addiction.
Speaking to the students on a level they could understand, King was able to share information and answer questions. “I hope talking with students at this young age will provide them with knowledge they can carry forward and use to help them make good decisions,” said King. “I appreciate Principal Anthony Boggs and his staff for allowing me to meet with students.”
Community Care provides school-based healthcare in all Clay County schools. Visiting one of the school-based health centers is just like visiting an “outside” primary care provider’s office. Annual exams for adults and children, immunizations, allergy shots, treatment of chronic and acute conditions for all ages, and management of prescription medications is available during school office hours. Community Care is also a participant in the PEIA CCP program which is available to all PEIA members. With electronic health record interface with both Community Care health centers in Clay and Big Otter, the care students and staff receive in schools is accessible by providers at any Community Care location.
For more information about any Community Care health center, visit the website at www.CCWV.org.