The Clay County Board of Education held the second of their bimonthly meetings at H.E. White Elementary School on Monday, February 22, 2016. There were many in attendance for the meeting. Regular action items were included in the agenda along with the following: Approve the employment of Rachel Schoolcraft from 1st grade at Clay Elementary School to 4th grade teacher at Clay Elementary School, Lora Brown’s former position. Approve the employment of Jamie McDonnough as a Multiple Disabilities Resource Room Teacher at Clay Elementary School, pending certification, Lorna Truman’s former position. Approve the employment of Lindsey Dunlap as a Multi-Categorical Alternative Learning Teacher at Clay Elementary School, pending certification, new position. Approve the transfer of Genevie DeBoard from Bus #74 to Bus #58, effective for the 2016-2017 school year, Jimmie Holcomb’s current position. Approve Katelin Thomas as volunteer softball coach at Clay County High School. Approve the resignation of both Kyle Ware, assistant wrestling coach at Clay Middle School and Bob Morris, head coach at Clay Middle School.
The school board members spoke on the newly revised school calendar for the remainder of the year. As of right now, students can only miss one more day of school before Spring Break will begin being taken away for make-up days. Spring Break is scheduled to be March 28th through April 1st. March 25th, which is Good Friday is now a 2 hour early out for students and a faculty senate day for administrators. The last day of school for students is now June 10th, if all goes as planned and there are no more missed days of school. If a cancellation occurs for any reason, the school calendar will be properly and promptly updated.
Please note: in order to not overlap Board of Education meetings and Spring Break in March, meetings have been changed to Monday, March 7 at the Annex Building and Monday, March 21 at Clay Elementary School. Both meetings take place at 6:00pm.