Youth representatives from the Braxton County Soccer Club attended the WVU Men’s Soccer Game vs. Buffalo on Saturday, Oct. 15. Those attending were able to play a scrimmage during half-time of the game. This was a thrilling experience for the players and coach. he players names were announced over the PA system and the crowd and WVU Mountaineer cheered them on. If you would like to watch a video of the “game” please check out the Braxton County Soccer Club’s Facebook page!
Those players attending the game were Shayla Louck representing U8 Panthers-Nicholas, Joshua Anderson, representing U8 Panthers-Anderson, Aaron Anderson, Robert Myers, Peyton Sharp, Jaxon Brown, and Teegan Huff, representing U10 Hammerheads, and Alissa Louck, representing U12 Shaver. Coach in attendance was U8 Panther-Anderson/U10 Hammerheads coach Beth Anderson.
The club would like to thank WVU for this opportunity. It was a wonderful time for their players. Also, they want to thank the parents that brought their players. Most of these players played at Belington earlier in the day and then had a game Sunday afternoon in Summersville. The love of the game that these players have is undeniable.