If you missed the BCR Trail planning meeting Thursday evening, you missed a good one! With 21 people in attendance, the BDA office was standing room only. Those in attendance included Tomi Bergstrom from DEP who presented a WV Stream Partners grant for $5000.00 to the Buffalo Creek Watershed. The majority of the money will be used for limestone for the trail. Also in attendance was Roger Lipscomb, President of TrakSpeck Railroad Corporation. He presented the deed and keys to a rebuilt crew cab rail truck valued at $20,000.00 to be used on the trail. He is also gifting many tools that will be needed as well.
The goal for the trail volunteers is to have the entire length of the trail operational by June 1. This is a huge endeavor, but with enough help, it can be done!
Below are the work parties scheduled for March and April:
• March 19 – Volunteers and inmates will be cutting brush and trees along the trail from Cressmont to Adair. David Pierson is loaning the use of his excavator and Mitch DeBoard will be loaning the use of his dozer. Anyone wanting to help out on the 16th should meet at the Cressmont Bridge at 9:00 a.m.
• Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 29, 30 & 31 – Mike Shamblin and Clay County 4-Hers will be erecting signs, mile markers and wayside panels along the trail.
• April 2 – Volunteers and inmates will be cutting brush, filling holes and generally preparing the trail.
• April 16 – Volunteers and inmates will be hauling and staging materials for work on three bridges.
• April 30 – Volunteers and inmates will work on the following bridges:
• Chestnut Knob Bridge (covered bridge, approximately 15 feet)
• Sand Fork # 1 Bridge (flooring, handrails, simplest but most labor intensive)
• Robinson #4 Bridge (Handrails only)
• All work days will begin at 9:00 a.m. at the Cressmont Bridge. Many volunteers are needed and everyone is welcome to come and pitch in!
• The next planning meeting will be May 5 at 6:00 p.m. at the BDA office in Two Run. For more information contact Mitch DeBoard at 587-2924.