A group of customers expressed their concern with the status of the project to replace the existing water tank, (Schoonovers property) booster pumps, etc. that has been promoted over the past year. Previously, a “spring 2014” time frame had been provided for the project start date. Given the need for funding in other areas of the state, Clay-Roane customers also expressed anxiety about the potential loss of funding to competing projects. Additionally, residents without current water service that could be served by the upgraded water system have also been waiting for more project details.
PSD board members expressed their continuing desire to complete the project, but noted several hurdles that must be overcome. However, they were clear that the project must go forward given the state of the current water tank and pumps, even if grant monies could not be obtained.
To demonstrate progress, the board members indicated that engineers had visited the proposed site for the new tank on Oak Hill Ridge Road and the existing water tank site in the past few days. They also indicated that the engineers would like to return and gather more detail about the new site and speak with the property owner or a representative in the coming week.
The board also indicated that they were obtaining some type of opinion from their attorney before approaching the WV Public Service Commission in the month of May. The board indicated that this step would help cement the funding for the project.
The topic of rate increases was also discussed. The board indicated that the plan has been to upgrade the system without raising rates given the length of loan repayment and low interest rate that would be available. The customers present did indicate that they would not be opposed to considering a small rate increase if it would ensure project funding and timely completion of the project.
The board was open in their discussion and appeared to genuinely want the project to be completed as soon as