August 6, 2014 was the date for our annual picnic which was held in the lower level of the Clay County Library. After enjoying luscious victuals furnished by members and a local food store, and after visitors had left, Jerry called to order a brief business meeting. Present were Jerry Stover, Sandra Claybrook, Marlene Potasnik, Kent and Frances Boggs, Jim Miller and Eloise Boggs.
Jerry announced that he had received a folder containing much history of the Elkhurst swinging bridge. The material had been retrieved and organized by Amanda and Roberta, former members of the Building Authority. We welcome more history, especially personal knowledge from folks who remember events associated with the building of the bridge in 1932. We greatly appreciate the extra appeal made by “The Communicator” in a recent issue of that paper.
A card of congratulations and thanks was signed by members to be given, with a small gift, to Joanne Exline who has recently retired from the Clay County school system. Joanne has been a help to us in various ways, in addition to contributing articles to “Now & Then” over the years.
Sandra has retyped much of the Garnie Testa material on the history of education in Clay County, but much remains to be done. We are inviting volunteers with typing skills to come and help. Contact Jerry or Sandra for more information or come to our next meeting (September 3).
It was decided that we would meet as a group to get the newsletter mailed out on a more timely schedule and relieve the burden of one or two individuals in performing this task. The library staff has given us permission to use the lower level of the library on a day designated after the paper comes from the printer. The summer issue has been received and it looks as though the third week of August will be the soonest we can get all “hands” together.
The meeting was adjourned. Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 3,2014, 1 pm, Clay County Library
Eloise Boggs, Recorder