Two awards presentations and an informative program highlighted the recent meeting of the Elk River Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution in Gassaway on January twelth.
Barbara Lorraine Bailey from Orma, Calhoun County, was given the Oath of Membership by Marilyn S. Rogers of Summersville. Marilyn is the State DAR Parliamentarian and an Associate member of Elk River Chapter. In addition, she is Regent of Ohio Valley Chapter in St. Mary’s, West Virginia. New member, Lorraine, grew up in Pittsburgh, but her father, Vergil Lee Harris, grew up in the Frametown area. She reports she has many cousins in Braxton County. She was welcomed into the chapter by the Chapter Regent, Ruth Mooney and the other members present.
The second presentation was given to Denise R. Freeman, member from Canvas, Nicholas County. Mrs. Freeman was named Elk River Chapter’s 2013 Outstanding Teacher of American History. She was presented with a certificate by Chapter Historian, Jean Ann Nutter of Summersville. Mrs. Freeman teaches American History at Nicholas County High School. Denise was chosen this past July as a participant in a training from the Gilder Lehrman Institute for Abraham Lincoln’s World. In November she attended a conference on the Constitution and being a citizen at the Center for the Constitution in Orange, Virginia. Denise was congratulated by all members in attendance.
Jill Mooney, member from Sutton and Charleston, presented an interesting program. Her topic was Cervical Cancer. She shared that because of the Pap test, the number of cervical cancer cases has decreased dramatically in the last decade. The number of deaths has decreased also due to the detection of pre-cancer cells. It is highly treatable. West Virginia leads the nation in the number of incidents. This disease is found most often in women over thirty. January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Ms. Mooney is chairman of the Women’s Issues Committee which focuses on Health, Family and Career concerns.
In other business, the group began planning for a ceremony to mark the graves of Revolutionary soldiers: William Johnson buried near Drennen in Nicholas County and Patrick Murphy buried near the Clay County/Braxton County line.
The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 9, 2014 at 2 p.m. in the Gassaway Public Library. For more information, call Ruth Mooney, Regent, at 304.765.7478.