Wednesday morning the County Commission gathered together in the courthouse for their bi-monthly meeting. Quite a few things were on this week’s agenda. The meeting started with opening prayer given by Jerry Linkinoggor. Then the meeting began. First on the agenda was Joe Leighton, he is a housing developer. Leighton was there to give an update and presentation on the possible housing project to be built at the old Falcon site. Leighton discussed the benefits of the 42 home housing duplex for lower income families. The housing complex would have a on site manager to assist the families with their needs in the way of social services, Prestera, and any other resources that may be helpful in getting the families back on their feet. Discussion of the housing complex was then opened for those in the audience. Magistrate Jeff Boggs was first to speak on the subject. Boggs and a few others were concerned about how placing another housing complex in Clay would to benefit the people of Clay County. Clay already has three housing complexes in the area and residents already have access to helpful resources, Boggs reiterated. No final decisions were made on the housing complex.
The Commission then moved onto other action items on the agenda. The Commission moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, the bills and purchase orders as presented, the erroneous assessments, and refunds of erroneous assessments real estate divisions as presented by the Assessor. Next the group voted to approve a budget revision for the offices of Ambulance Service Fund, E911 Fund, Emergency Services, County Commission, Sheriff-Law Enforcement and Elected-County Clerk. A budget revision reinstating the Prosecuting Attorney’s 2013-2014 budget to equal to the 2012-2013 budget was, pending a final hearing. The Commission then tabled Sheriff Samples’ request for holiday pay for his deputies after September 1, 2013. The decision for this request will be made at a later time. Thereafter, several estates were probated and settled. Mike Pierson was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Mid-Ohio Valley Workforce Investment Corporation for a term of one year ending December 31, 2014. A resolution authorizing the acceptance of a Small Cities Block Grant for the Clay County Public Service District was approved in the amount of $175,000.00. A quote from A.S.A.P for inspection of the Fire Alarm system at the Clay E911 Center in the amount of $400.00. Avis Moore was chosen as Ballot Commission to represent the Democratic Party and Karen Nicholas was chosen as Ballot Commission to represent the Republican Party. The Personal Policy for Clay County Commission Employees, revised 2014, was voted on and approved.
The next item on the agenda was the selection of the county’s LED group; three organizations were in the running for this position. Each organization was asked to stand and give a small speech on what their organization does and what the LED grant money would be used for. The first person to stand was Bill Dunn, representing the Business Development Authority. Next was Jessica Roat with Clay County Development. Last but not least was Connie Lupardus with the CAEZ. After hearing what each organization had to offer, the County Commission commended everyone on a job well done. The voting was unanimous, selecting CAEZ to receive the LED grant.
Next the Commission gave the WV State Tax Department permission to make changes to mineral values thru February 4, 2014.
Approval was given for a mass vaccination and dispensing plan for Clay County which is updated and maintained by the Clay County Health Department.
Mitch Deboard was appointed to the Clay County Business Development Authority for the term ending January 22, 2017.
There were no committee reports, which brought the meeting to an end.