The Clay County Commission met Wednesday morning with members Greg Fitzwater and Arlene Tucker present. Jerry Linkinoggor was absent due to a recent fall on the icy surface of his driveway. He is reportedly recovering well. With only two members behind the bench, the meeting began at promptly 10:00 am.
Library board members Sheila Thorne, Karen Nicholas and Dale Mullins spoke to the county commission in their annual request for funding. Although the library levy passed this past year, the funds will not start pouring in until July 1, 2015. Community support to the library is down and there is a shortfall in their budget. Currently, the library is only receiving $12,000 in monetary funding from the county and $4,500 in-kind assistance. The State Library Commission will only provide matching funds for the amount of money the library has in their budget, so the more the better. The library’s request for funding was denied by the county commission, as they were unable to assist with any funding.
Action items on the agenda came next and began with the customary approval of minutes, bills, purchase orders and several estate issues. Tina Ferrebee and Glenna Rose were hired as part-time ambulance drivers, pending receipt of drug and background testing. Brian DeBoard was also named to the Clay Business Development Authority. The county commission agreed to adopt a Community Use of Facilities policy to allow for community use of buildings, equipment and grounds. The first to take advantage of this will the Clay BDA for the June 5 and 6 Elk River Fest. Mark your calendars!
The meeting adjourned after no committee reports. The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, March 11 at 10:00 am.