By Erica Kearns
The Clay County Commission met Wednesday morning at the courthouse. With all three commissioners present, the meeting began with the customary approval of minutes, assessments, bills and purchase orders and settling of estates, wills and testaments.
A grant was agreed upon between the Clay County Emergency Ambulance Service and the WV Department of Health and Human Resources in the amount of $2,700.00 and will be used to purchase equipment. The Clay Golden Delicious Apple Festival was granted consent to use the courthouse facilities for the 2013 festivities. Cheryl White was voted to become a member of the Clay County Business Development Authority for a term ending August 28, 2016.
The Clay County Health Department is conducting a community health assistance survey in hopes of discovering the health needs of the community. Surveys can be picked up at the Clay Health Department and must be completed and returned by mid-September. The number one health need determined by the study will then be addressed in hopes of better serving the residents of Clay with much needed health care.
The next Clay County Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 11.