Congratulations to Clay Elementary for having the most 30+ day attendees for the afterschool program for the 2019-2020 school year. Clay Elementary had 44 students with 30+ days of attendance, meaning they are the keepers of the Clay Afterschool Program Attendance Trophy for the 2020-2021 school year. Of the 44 students, 19 attended the program 60 or more days. Please see numbers of 30+ day attendees for the county’s other schools below:
Big Otter Elementary – 38
H.E. White Elementary – 39
Lizemore Elementary – 23
Clay Middle – 25
Clay High – 9

2019-2020 Highest Attendees Rewarded
Each year the Clay Afterschool Program provides a reward for those students who have attended their school’s program the most days. This year students received a certificate of appreciation highlighting the number of days they attended, as well as a $50 Amazon gift card. See the winners below and the number of days attended by each.
Big Otter Elementary – Vince Lopez – 85 Days
Clay Elementary – Adam Dobbins – 80 Days
H.E. White Elementary – Adriana Belt and Autumn Belt – 86 Days
Lizemore Elementary – Emma Nine – 80 Days
Clay Middle – Johnathan Smith – 76 Days
Clay High – Abigail Gill and Anastasia Knopp – 43 Days
Going Remote in 2020
To help keep everyone safe this school year, the Clay Afterschool Program has utilized activity packets and Microsoft Teams to provide programming, limiting physical contact between staff and students, while still providing core program components as well as a variety of enrichment opportunities.
The Clay Afterschool Program officially kicked off on October 13. Elementary students are provided kits filled with school supplies and fun activities to complete at home each week. Behind those masks are very happy Clay Elementary and H.E. White Elementary students!
Also, remote learning has provided a variety of ways to involve families in the afterschool program. Clay Elementary has a dedicated time each Thursday evening for students and their families to provide feedback about the week’s activities and how to improve the program. Activities are provided by all schools that encourage family participation.
Securing Resources for Students
In December three grants were awarded to the Clay Afterschool Program to help support students. Two supplemental grants were provided through the West Virginia Department of Education program in the amounts of $10,500 each to purchase educational board and card games for elementary students to enjoy at home. A No Kid Hungry Grant in the amount of $42,600 was also awarded to the program to provide additional take-home meals for afterschool students.
Stepping up to Serve Students
Along with Homework Help, the Clay Middle School afterschool staff are providing students with many enrichment opportunities on Microsoft Teams including basic coding, emergency preparedness, yoga, guitar and ukulele lessons, and more.