By Allen Hamrick

The 2020 Lady Panther volleyball team travelled to Hoover to take on the Huskies in an early season scrimmage. Some of the Lady Panther big guns returned from last year packing some pretty good powder. Most of the girls have the leaping ability of a deer and, at the height of their jump, can bring a volleyball down with a vicious swing of their gun arm, giving this team a unique opportunity to win games. The Lady Panthers have more than one hitter, and this will keep the other side guessing for sure. Not only do the Lady Panthers have a kill line, they also have girls that can play some tough defense. These ladies do not care to throw their bodies onto the floor to save the shot. They are fast and agile. Their setters will be able to set with pin point accuracy by the time the season starts
Under the direction of Coach Anissa Collins these girls will definitely have a better than good chance at a title this year as long as they stay healthy and strong and keep focused on winning. With a couple of players still not hitting the floor for the Lady Panthers, they had a good set of games against the Huskies but came out one game short of taking home bragging rights. The Lady Panthers will play Calhoun for the season opener at Calhoun on September 3 as long as both counties avoid the orange or red zones. They will have to play in masks so it will make the game a much more difficult task. Come out and support the Lady Panthers; it will be well worth your time to attend the games.