By Allen Hamrick

The Lady Panthers are also setting the courts on fire with some ridiculously good volleyball. They had a tri-match this past Monday evening against the power house teams of Robert C Byrd and Roane County. This night also belonged to the seniors as they bid farewell to six of the best players to ever wear the Lady Panther uniform. They will be missed at the nets and remembered for their abilities for years to come.
Once the festivities were out of the way, it was time for volleyball. Up first was the Lady Eagles against the Lady Panthers, the Lady Eagles are well known for their volleyball team’s accomplishments. The Lady Panthers, unswayed by the hype, went to work at the net. It was bombing runs on both side of the courts as volleyballs broke the sound barrier on kill shots. However, the least mistakes wins the games, and the Lady Panthers had just a few more than the opponent and lost a very close match to the Lady Eagles.

Disappointed, yes, but not down and done, the Lady Panthers came back against the Lady Raiders in the next match up, and it was a different ball game. Both of the teams had some great volleys, but it was the serves and kills that spelled the end for the Lady Raiders. The Lady Panthers sent them packing in three straight wins. In the game it was Jacey Collins with the big gun award knocking down 11 kills, followed by Alisea McMillion with nine of her own. Ivy Taylor came in big with six kill shots. Abbie Moore had a whopping 23 assists, and new kid on the block, Laila Varney was a serving master with eight aces.

The Lady Panthers took their show on the road to Doddridge County to take on the Lady Bulldogs on Tuesday. This would be another tough matchup, but the Lady Panthers played dog catcher. They rounded up the Lady Bulldogs and stuck them in the pen, winning the match in three straight games: 26-24, 25-23, and 25-12. In this match, Jacey Collins was in double time as she notched nine serving aces and added eight kills. Alisea McMillion added seven of her own, while Abbie Moore had 18 assists.

The Lady Panthers stand a really good chance of going to the big dance in Charleston. Nobody knows with Covid-19 how long or how the season will go for any sport, but you can bet that whatever they play, it will be all out. The Lady Panthers play again on the road at a tri-match in Roane County on Tuesday evening and again on Wednesday night on the road in Nicholas County. Go Lady Panthers!