By Allen Hamrick
Mustang basketball held their 8th grade send off at home on Tuesday night against Summersville. The gym was packed as fans watched many of the players that would play one of their last games at home. These boys have fought tooth and nail for the fans all season giving us full send games as well as sending a few of the teams home with get well soon cards. For their 8th grade night, they drew one of the toughest teams in the league -Summersville Middle School. In the opening of the game, it looked as if the Mustangs would give Summersville a great game, but early indication was that the Mustangs were having trouble getting the ball to fall. They were still landing a few shots, however, and keeping the game in reach. They were playing some great defense early on and the normal high scoring Bears were having a tough time getting open looks at the net. As the breaks would have it, though, the Mustangs were also getting the shots but just couldn’t land them and go net to net with the Bears. In the end, it was the Bears over the Mustangs by the score of 48-19. It was a tough loss, but there are still some games left to play in the season. They will take on George Washington for their last regular season game on Monday night at home. Their CWVAC tournament will begin on February 24th and will be held at Braxton. Go Mustangs!