By Allen Hamrick

The Lady Mustang and Lady Panther cheerleaders competed in the George Washington High School charity cheerleading competition this past Saturday. Both teams did an outstanding job with only minor points deducted.
The Lady Mustangs seemed invincible in their routines with hardly a bobble. They were fast paced and well choreographed. Their stunts were spot on except for small movements, but at the extreme difficulty of the routine, a little is to be expected. There were some tough teams competing for the gold, most of whom had some visible issues but did a good job none the less.
So, with that being said, the Lady Mustangs looked to be a shoo in for the top three, but it was not to be. When the music stopped, the Lady Mustangs received the best in choreography award. This makes me wonder, a team has to perform at the top level to be able to pull off the difficulty and yet didn’t make top three? The Lady Mustangs did a great job and can only move forward from here.
The Lady Panthers were also at a peak level of performance, except for a drop in one of the stunts, it looked spot on. With nerves tighter than banjo strings, the ladies strode onto the court with their heads held high, and in Lady Panther cheerleading fashion, cheered, flipped, twirled, stunted, lifted and danced their way into what appeared would be a top spot based on other performances. When the flips stopped flipping and the stunts were laid to rest, the Lady Panthers get to bring home the school spirit award.
I believe each of the squads did a whale of a job representing their respective schools and can be proud of the job they did. Now it’s on to the next competition; they are geared up and ready.