The Heavens were smiling very brightly on the Wallback Lake Youth Fishing Derby held on April 16th at the Wallback Lake. The sun was shining and 75 degrees, the right kind of weather for a young sports boys and girls derby.
We had a record of 246 boys and girls registered. Appearances from Lightning and Jody Stutler; Bobber, the water safety dog along with Burnsville US Army Corps of Engineers; Jason Triplett with the Clay Boy Scouts Troop 123; Joe Crowder, member of WV Trout Unlimited and WV Wild Turkey Federation and Wild Bill of the series Mountain Monsters on the Destination America Channel.
Sponsors were: WVDNR; Carols Crossroads Best; King’s Trucking & Wrecker Service; Fran King, Candidate for County Commission; Morgan Triplett; Ramsey’s Excavating; Clay County Bank; Cunningham Motors; Danielson Co.; Gapen LLC; Appalachian Timber Services; Strata Products; Zoom Baits, Elk Valley Physical Therapy, DG’S Construction, Jeanie’s Real Estate & Appraisals, Advantage Home Health, Angela Cantrell – Candidate for Family Court; David Walker – Candidate for House of Delegates; Teresa Davis – Candidate for Clay County Assessor; General Pipeline Construction Inc.; Wilson-Shamblin-Smith Funeral Home; Rodney & Melissa McGlothlin; Total Comfort; Salisbury Auto Salvage; NAPA; Dawson’s Service Center; Clay County Business Development Association; Donnie Triplett, candidate for Clay County Sheriff; Sizemores Greenhouse, Suttons Auto; Clay Lions Club; Mister Twister LLC.; Amron Building Components; Donald Jarvis; Clay Farm Store; Ferrebee’s Auto Body; Mike & Karla Pierson; Christa Ramsey; The Bait Place; Pierson Lumber Company; Randy Holcomb, candidate for Clay County Sheriff; Greg Fitzwater – Clay County Commissioner; Elk Valley Heating; Elswick Automotive Repair; Peter Triplett – candidate for Clay County Assessor; Shane Morton – candidate for Clay County Sheriff; Mike Asbury – reelect for Clay County Circuit Clerk; Friendly Bass & Buck; Dana Holcomb – candidate for Clay County Commission; Clay Lumber; Nettles Equipment; Dr. Michaela Kessler; Starcher’s Garage; Gould’s Electric Motor Repair; Connie’s; Connie Ramsey – candidate for Clay County Board of Education; Moon & Peach Mullins; Laura Jane Sizemore; Bullard’s Exxon; Eric Workman Foundation; Clay Auto Parts; Dr. Ramesh; Board Members of CAEZ; David Pierson Jr – candidate for Clay County Bd. Of Education; Rick Hannah; John Paul Rogers; Jamie Sears; Frito Lay; Pepsi; Arlene Tucker – Clay County Commissioner; Jerry Linkinoggor – Clay County Commissioner; Clay IGA; Clay Subway; Bowen Dental Associates; Big Knob Hunting Club; AM Printing/Brian Moore; First Flooring; Clay Dental Clinic; Steve Stalnaker; Dawson Service Center; Clay Family Resource Network; Clay Ambulance; Connie and George Workman; Allen Hamrick; Robert Belt, candidate for Clay County Sheriff.
Volunteers: Frank and Toni Massey; Hunter and Ryan Sizemore; Rick & Marsha King; Debbie Rhodes; Kelsey Jacobs; Rick and Debbie Workman; Leanna and Josh Amos; Melinda Samples; Bruce Gill; Heath Cliver, Moon Mullins, Robbie and Nicholas Hancock
Thank You to the volunteers, sponsors, snacks, the newspapers, the young sports boys and girls, parents, grandparents, etc…..for making this event the youth will remember.
Extra Special Thank You to the WVDNR, Steve Hincks, Steve Smith, Stewart Simms, Jim Paxton, Officer Wilson. Along with Jackie and Tracy Sizemore, CEO’s in training.
Check out our facebook page…….www.facebook.com/wallback lake youth fishing derby. We are “Hooked On Fishing – Not On Drugs.”