The Clay County Commission met on June 14.
A motion was approved for the minutes of the previous meeting. A motion was approved for the bills and purchase orders as presented. A motion was approved for the budget revisions for the following offices: county commission, county clerk, circuit clerk, sheriff-treasurer, sheriff-law enforcement, prosecuting attorney, assessor, assessor valuation, circuit court, courthouse, home confinement, emergency services, E911 communications center and ambulance service.
A motion to confirm probating the last will and testament of Shelba Siers and the appointment of Randall Siers, executor, was approved. A motion to confirm probating the last will and testament of Clarence Fitzwater and the appointment of John Smith, executor, was approved. A motion to approve the request of final settlement for the estates of Lula Cutlip and Linda Belle Braley, deceased, was approved. A motion to continue the hearing for the estate of Billie Jane Zegeer, deceased from June 14 to July 26, at 11 a.m., was approved. A motion to continue the hearing for the estate of Darby Glen Hamilton, deceased, from June 28to July 26, at 1 p.m., was approved.
A motion to hire Joseph “Corey” Sprouse as a part-time, as needed dispatcher at the rate of $10per hour, without benefits, was approved. Employment is pending successfully completing a background check and drug screening. A motion to hire Logan Ramsey as a part-time, as needed EMT-B at the rate of $9.75 per hour, without benefits, was approved. Employment is pending successfully completing a background check and drug screening. A motion to hire Austin Eggleton as a part-time, as needed EVO “Ambulance Driver” as the rate of $8.75 per hour without benefits, was approved. Employment is pending successfully completing a background check and drug screening. A motion to approve the status of Nathaniel Johnston’s employment with the Clay Ambulance Services to change from an EVO to an EMT-B, was approved. His rate of pay will increase to $9.75 per hour effective June 18.
A motion to appoint Kathaleen Stapleford as a member of the Clay County Business Development Authority for a term expiring June 14, 2020, was approved. A motion to appoint David W. Pierson Jr. as a citizen representative to the Regional Intergovernmental Council from the Clay County Commission, for a term expiring June 30, 2018, was approved. A motion to approve a request by the Clay County BDA to use the Courthouse courtyard for the Farmers Market 2017 season on Thursdays and Saturdays, was approved.