The annual alumni gathering for all Clay County High School and Widen High School graduates will be held at the Clay County High School cafeteria on Saturday, Sept. 17 from 5 to 8 p.m. in conjunction with the Golden Delicious Apple Festival, which will be held this year from Sept. 15 through Sept. 18.
All alumni are asked to help spread the word by phone, internet, Facebook, etc. Please consider donating an item for the silent auction. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. The dinner is sponsored by Clay County Bank. Cost of this event per person is by donation. All proceeds go to the Alumni Scholarship Fund.
If you are a graduate, or have ever attended Clay County High School or Widen High School, please plan to attend and bring your spouse or friend. This event is sponsored by the Clay High School and Widen High School Alumni Association. The Clay County High School Athletic Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony will be held in the CCHS Auditorium at 7 p.m.
Saturday night entertainment at the Courthouse Square is Rockland Road from Nashville, TN, at 8 p.m.
Hope to see you there!