Clay County Board of Education met for a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, February 6, 2018. A motion to approve the agenda was passed. A motion to was approved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
A resolution was approved by the board to support a legislated wage increase for all Clay County Schools staff AND the passage of legislation to fund PEIA was approved.
A motion to approve the out of county student transfer for Samantha Tanner (ninth grade) to attend Calhoun County Schools for the 2017-2018 school year, was approved. A motion to approve the resignation of Beth Cercone as after-school enrichment teacher at Lizemore Elementary School, effective immediately, was approved, and a motion to approve the resignation of Frankie Kerr as teacher at Clay County Middle School, effective immediately, was also approved.
A motion to approve the resignation/retirement of Debra Darlene Cliver as teacher at H.E. White Elementary School, effective June 30, 2018, was approved. A motion to approve the transfer of Deloris Kleman from fourth grade teacher at Big Otter Elementary School to Resource Teacher at Big Otter Elementary School was approved. A motion to approve the transfer of Windy Jarrett from Evening Shift Custodian at Clay County High School to Evening Shift Custodian at Clay County Middle School was approved. A motion to approve the employment of Katelin Thomas Parker as Assistant Softball Coach at Clay County High School, was approved.
A motion to approve the employment of Billy Varney as Head Softball Coach at Clay County Middle School was approved, followed by a motion to approve the resignation of Billy Varney as Assistant Softball Coach at Clay County Middle School, effective immediately. And, finally, a motion to approve the employment of Heath Cliver as Athletic Trainer at Clay County High School was approved.
The Board of Education members ended the meeting with an executive session after listening to information provided from AFT members and Service Personnel members, giving as much of an update as possible. Not much information was available during the Board of Education meeting on Monday evening, except to express their support for their staff.