There is a homecoming scheduled at the Sycamore Community Baptist Church on September 10. Services start with Sunday school at 10 a.m., lunch will be from 12-1 p.m. At 1p.m. there will be singing by Barry McCune followed by preaching by Justin Neal with Pastor Gaylord Taylor.
There will be a family reunion on September 2 at the Clendenin Rec. Center from 10 a.m.-? Everyone is invited. Bring a covered dish. Call Linda Chandler with any questions at 304-548-5615.
Boy Scout Troop 123 is managing the pick your own apples event on Sizemore Farm every Saturday while the apples last. The hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The price is $15 per bushel. Winesap and Golden Delicious trees are producing this year.
Clay County High School Alumni: There will be a lunch at Harding Restaurant, 2772 Pennsylvania Ave., Charleston, WV on Wednesday, September 13, 2017, at 2:30 p.m. Please make a reservation if you plan to attend by calling Christine Beaver at 304-343-1460.
Jodie Baptist Church Revival will be on September 4 at 7 p.m. There will be special singing, as well as Preacher Brother Mike Long and Pastor Brother Daniel Sears. Everyone is welcome!
The Central Appalachia Empowerment Zone Board of Directors will host their Appreciation Cookout at 5 p.m. and the annual meeting at 6 p.m. on September 5 at the JG Bradley Campground and Lodge in Dundon, WV. Mary Elizabeth Eckerson from Senator Shelley Moore Capito’s office will be the guest speaker. CAEZ has been instrumental in supporting emergency services, infrastructure, economic development, education, and housing needs throughout the counties of Braxton, Clay, Fayette, Nicholas and Roane. The By Laws will be reviewed by the general membership. Representatives of all agencies should attend this meeting to identify the needs of their community. All concerned citizens are invited to attend and present their community needs to the Board of Directors. Please RSVP by calling 304-587-2034.
The Birch River Ruritan Club will host an open house on September 2 from 11 a.m .to 5 p.m. Come see our progress since the June flooding last year. Door prizes and a used book sale are offered. Please stop by to visit and look for your favorite author. Everyone is welcome! Also join us as we celebrate Birch River Days Sept. 1 and 2. A Gospel Sing will be held on Friday night. Good food, the parade, and activities are scheduled on Saturday.
Roll and Read will be held at the Big Otter Elementary School on September 9 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Each family with receive a free book. (sponsored by UniCare). Bring your strollers, tricycles, and wagons, and walk around the designated area, stopping at stations manned by various local agencies and organizations to do an activity pertaining to pages of the book “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” by Eric Carle. Also, meet characters from Super Why and Lightening McQueen. Open to all families with children aged five and under.
There will be Basket Bingo on Saturday, September 23, at 6 p.m. featuring filled baskets, Longaberger baskets, thirty-one bags, a Coach purse, Scentsy, Tupperware, Avon, Mary Kay, WVU gear , camo, Vonda’s, Backroad relics, Napa, AutoZone, Tanfastic spa day, Neu Authetics spa, Ore’s gift certificates, Giovannis, Applebee’s, dinner gift certificates, hair cut gift certificates, oil changes, and auto baskets. All are worth $50 to $300, with a total of over 65 baskets. The bingo will be held at the HE White Community School, 501 Bomont Rd, Bomont, WV 25030. Doors open at 6 p.m., games begin at 7 p.m. It’s only $25 to play all bingo games. There will be 20 Games of Bingo, raffle items, a 50/50 Raffle, extra cards available for purchase, and daubers for sale. Concessions available for purchase (taco in a bag, hot dogs, pepperoni rolls and much more!!) Join the HE White PTO for a fun evening out with friends and family for great prizes. All seats reserved for persons playing bingo. Remember, no kids are allowed at the bingo tables. This event benefits the students, teachers, and school of HE White. Those with questions should call Melonie Dolin at 304-951-2487, Jessica Paxton at 681-205-4642, or Andrea Leftwich at 304-8814538.
The West Central Beekeepers Association will be holding a honey products and craft show on Saturday, September 9, at the Arnoldsburg Community Building in Arnoldsburg, WV. The show will begin at 10 a.m. and last until 7 p.m. In addition to locally made honey, soaps, lotions, candles, and crafts for sale, there will be beekeeping seminars and information available. There will be hot dogs, biscuits with honey, sloppy Joes, and nachos available to buy, but be sure to leave room for lasagna dinner from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The cost for the dinner is $5 for adults and $3 for children aged 12 and under. Don’t forget to buy raffle tickets for a chance to win a tote filled with gifts, cash, and a bee hive. The winning ticket will be pulled on October 28, and you don’t have to be present to win.
The annual alumni gathering of all Clay County High School and Widen High School graduates will be held at the Clay High School cafeteria on Saturday, September 16, 2017, from 5 to 8 p.m. in conjunction with the Golden Delicious Apple Festival (September 14, 15, and 16). All graduates are asked to help spread the word by telephone, internet, Facebook, etc. Please consider donating an item for the silent auction. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. The dinner is sponsored by the Clay County Bank. the cost per person is by donation. All proceeds go to the Alumni Scholarship fund. If you are a graduate or have ever attended Clay County High School or Widen High School, please plan to attend and bring your spouse or friend. This event is sponsored by the Clay County High School and Widen High School Alumni Association. The Clay County High School Athletic Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony will be held in the CCHS Auditorium at 7 p.m.
There is no trespassing or hunting permitted on the Tanner property in Nebo, WV. -Dennis Tanner
The Clay High/Widen High Alumni Gathering will be held during the Apple Festival at the Clay County High School Cafeteria on September 16. Dinner will be served from 5-8 p.m.
The Clay County Development Corporation will be hosting the Annual Clay County Golden Delicious Apple Belle Dinner on September 15 directly after the crowning ceremony. This year’s Apple Belle includes one guest, and all former Apple Belles will eat at no charge. Dinner will be available at $8 per person for anyone else attending at the door. You can also pay in advance at $6 per person up until September 8 at the CCDC building. The menu will include roast chicken, red potatoes, green beans, roll, and dessert.
Rite Aid will be holding at a Flu Clinic on August 31, 2017 from 12-2 p.m. at the CCDC (straight across the street from Rite Aid).
The Clay County High School Class of 1948 will meet in the high school library on Sept. 16 at 11 a.m. for their 69th class reunion. Bring an item to donate to the silent auction for the High School Scholarship Fund. Those with questions can call Joanna at 304-548-7581, Clarice (Shamblin) Parsons at 330-534-9957, or Ruby (Hivily) Shamblin at 304-777-8108.
The Braxton County Soccer Club is now accepting applications for children aged three through 13. Spring soccer is a great opportunity for the kids to develop their skills in leadership, work ethic, sportsmanship, perseverance, and fitness in a safe fun environment. Costs for registration are $45 for the first child, $40 for the second, $35 for the third, and $30 per child for the fourth or more registering from the same immediate family. We also offer many opportunities for you as a parent to stay involved. We need coaches, team moms, food handlers and referees. Coaches will receive a discounted rate of only $15.00 per player. To register a player simply go to and click on the registration link, or like us on Facebook at Braxton County Soccer Club and use the link. Watch the website, Facebook, and the paper for updates. We are looking forward to a great season.Those with questions can contact Deborah Hughes, registrar, at or 304-266-2672.
The meeting schedule for CAEZ board meetings in 2017 is as follows: Tuesday, Sept. 5 (to be held at J.G. Bradley Campground, Clay); Tuesday, Oct. 3; Tuesday, Dec. 5. Meetings will be held in the Clay County Courthouse Commission Room. The Economic Development Committee meets at 4 p.m. and board of directors meets at 6 p.m.
CCDC/Clay Senior Center, located at 374 Main Street, announces that they will continue their free lunch for seniors ages 60+ on Thursdays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. They invite any local talent to come sing, dance or do crafts with the seniors. For more information, call 304-587-2468.
The Clay County WIC office located at 452 Main Street in Clay is open to serve the public every Monday and Wednesday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. All Central WV WIC offices will be closed September 4th in observance of Labor Day.WIC provides supplemental foods and nutrition education to qualifying participants. To apply for the WIC program or to receive more information call: 304-587-2323.
To anyone having family or loved ones buried in the Samples Cemetery at Procious, please consider making contributions annually to its upkeep. Each mowing and weed eating of the extensive grounds cost $80 last year. At present, the fund is nearly depleted. A faithful few generously send money each year, but if everyone who can would contribute some amount annually, it would be greatly appreciated. Call 965-5704 if you have any concerns. Mailing address is Loretta Moore, 5008 Pequonia Drive, Elkview , WV 25071. To any party who has their own equipment, and would like to be considered for the job of upkeep this year, please call.