WVU Braxton/Clay Master Gardeners continued their community service by hosting an event at the Sutton Farmers Market on April 23. The Spring Forward event focused on garden layout and was geared toward both new and experienced gardeners.
Master Gardeners had printout materials including information on soil testing, container gardening, companion gardening and several other topics. Several local businesses donated to this event. There were “free” seeds, plants and door prizes. Several Master Gardeners gave short sessions including rooting new plant starters, site selection and an introduction to garden layout.
Participants took garden catalogs and selected different plants they were interested in planting in their gardens. The Master Gardener volunteers assisted them with laying out their garden. Each participant went home with their very own garden layout. A question and answer session helped everyone better understand gardening and how to approach the layout as well as problem areas they may encounter.
The Braxton/Clay Master Gardeners appreciate your support. If you would like to join the group, please contact your local extension office.