Grants were awarded to state solid waste authorities, county commissions, municipalities,
private industries, and non-profit organizations
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) approved nearly $2
million in Recycling Assistance Grants to 29 recipients through the agency’s Rehabilitation
Environmental Action Plan (REAP) program on Tuesday.
Grants were awarded to state solid waste authorities, county commissions, municipalities,
private industries, and nonprofit organizations.
Funding for the grant program is generated through a $1 assessment fee per ton of solid
waste disposed at in-state landfills, pursuant to WV Code 22-15A-19(h) (1).
Local grant recipients include the Clay County Health Department in the amount of $25,185
to assist with recycling bags, portable steel tilt dumpsters with lids, commercial recycling
containers with lids, canopy recycling containers, a dump trailer, and transportation contractor
services to support a new recycling initiative.