Widen Night is at Walnut Grove Church Friday, July 27, at 5 p.m. The reception will include all friends, neighbors, and classmates from Widen. This event is sponsored by the Widen Committee and the Widen High School Alumni Assoc.
Bring something for the Silent Auction (old or new) that will generate a donation for the scholarship fund! The Clay and Widen Alumni groups provide $3,000 in scholarships EACH school year! Reception and food is free, but donations will be accepted at the door.
You can also bring a dessert or finger food, but of course the best gift is just you. Try to attend, and bring family members and neighbors.
Widen Day is Saturday, July 28 (always the last Saturday in July) in Widen. Folks come around 10 or 11 a.m. Bring chairs or whatever you need to be comfortable. Come one and all!