Clay County Water Plant, located just passed the Dundon Bridge in Clay, has been upgrading their security system!

With clean water being one of the most important assets to this county and the people of this county, clean water and all of the things to provide the water to residents needs to be protected as much as possible. Bobby Jespersen with Ideal Home Solutions from Dunbar, WV, was at the water plant on Thursday to install the new, upgraded system. The new system is an eight channel DVR system, boasting color cameras for daytime and black and white night vision for night time to give some of the clearest views possible. There will be five outside cameras and three inside, which will give full security viewing for the whole property.
Mr. Jespersen said that Ideal Home Solutions offers a variety of services from cameras to home security systems to life safety systems, and most systems can be installed with no installation costs or upfront fees. You can check out idealhomesolutions.com or call 304-444-5088 for more information.