Tom Gorgone is a candidate for the position of Sheriff of Clay County. Tom served in the United States Marine Corps as a helicopter crew chief for five years. After leaving the service, Tom began a career as a firefighter where he served as an arson investigator and obtained the rank of Assistant Chief before switching careers and becoming a law enforcement officer.
Following a successful career in law enforcement, Tom transitioned into the private sector and became a nationally recognized private investigator and security expert who currently operates Forensic Security & Investigations in Clay County. Tom is currently the only board-certified criminal defense investigator in the entire State of WV and has been certified as an Arson 1 investigator through the WV State Fire Marshal’s office.
As a defense investigator, working with attorneys throughout the state, Tom serves defendants in their quest for the truth. Tom says it is not his job to prove a defendant’s guilt or innocence but to simply find the truth. That belief will also aid in performing the duties of Sheriff. He is trained in police tactics and investigation procedures. Gorgone has also spent the last five years serving the county in the capacity of a volunteer firefighter, obtaining certifications in numerous aspects of the fire service.
According to Tom, the position of Sheriff is not a political decision nor is it a popularity contest between the candidates. The Sheriff should have the training, education, and experience to move the Sheriff’s Department forward in the next four years. Tom will work diligently to provide 24/7 protection for our residents, provide a competitive salary to those serving as deputies, and fight the on-going battle against opioid addiction that ravages our state and to combat crime wherever it rears its ugly head and do so equally for all residents.
Tom says is costs a lot of money to train a deputy, only to have them get certified and move to another county that pays better wages. By offering a competitive salary, Tom believes he will be able to retain the officers that our county pays for and bring in qualified deputies to serve our county.
With his training, education, and over 30 years of experience in and around law enforcement, Tom is not just the right choice for you, but he is the best choice for Clay County. Elect Tom Gorgone for Sheriff of Clay County and make a difference.