The West Virginia State Police will conducting a sobriety checkpoint on Friday, March 31, from 7 p.m.-1 a.m. on State Route 16, under the I-79 overpass, next to the I-79 entrance and exit ramps in Big Otter, Clay County.
An alternate checkpoint site has been designated along State Route 36, under the overpass of I-70 at the Wallback Exit/Park and ride area, in Roane County.
The focus of this checkpoint is driving under the influence (DUI) enforcement. Other enforcement activities may be conducted with the police focusing on reckless driving, speeding, and seat belt violations. The WV State Police encourages the public to use the state police *SP (*77) system to report drunk drivers, reckless driving, stranded motorists, and criminal violations. By dialing *SP on a hands free cellular device, motorists can contact the nearest state police detachment.