Have you noticed around town and your frequent places you visit that there might be a painted rock placed in a random place? Maybe you haven’t found one yet, but now you will know why if you do find a rock.
Clay County Rocks, as well as the surrounding counties and other places who have their own groups on Facebook to keep track of the location of rocks found, is a growing trend in many places. The moral of the growing trend is to paint a rock and, of course write on the back where you’re from, for example here in Clay County, people write #ClayCoRocks on the back, but you hide the rock in a busy place, like the grocery store, post office, gas station, bank, etc.
Some people hide them on a shelf with items in the store, some hide them on the window ledges outside of business across town. Whomever finds the rock can either keep that rock and paint a new one to hide or re-hide the one they found. It is a growing trend in the county and many other places. It is simply fun, and could brighten someone’s day.
A few tips for painting and hiding your rocks: wash and dry the rock thoroughly, it makes it easier to paint your rock. Use your imagination to paint your rocks. Paint anything you wish, there are many different kinds floating around. Food rocks, inspirational rocks, quilt rocks where there are squares on the rocks and you paint one square and each person who finds the rock paints their own square until they are all filled, and it makes the rock unique. Seal them with sealant paint that way the paint does not get rubbed off. Make sure to hide them in safe, clean places. Of course, make it fun. You never know when your rock can brighten someone’s day.
Happy Rockin’!