Now that schools are out of session for a few months, and summer in full swing, families have time to enjoy the warm weather to go on vacations and spend some time relaxing and making memories.
Some vacation destinations take several hours to get to, and unless flying is an option, then traveling by vehicle is the main form of transportation. During those long road trips, kids can get bored and very restless. Providing things to keep kids occupied and putting together some games to play while on the road can help pass the time for everyone. Here are some ideas that are provided on most forms of the internet to give you things to do during your trip.
Travel bingo: put things in the squares like normal bingo, but use items you may see while traveling down the road. For example, certain animals, road signs, vehicles, unique buildings, etc., and of course, for whomever calls bingo first, you can choose a reward for winning the game.
A very popular game with little ones is “I Spy.” Playing I Spy can help them learn colors, or animals, or shapes and can also be educational. “Twenty questions” is a game where a player chooses an object, animal o person in their head and the others in the vehicle must ask questions to try and guess what the answer is. The answers can only be yes or no.
Name that Tune: where you take turns humming or whistling a tune and the others have to guess what song it is. Sweet and Sour, wave to people nearby or in passing. If they ware back, yell “sweet!” if they don’t, yell “sour!” You can also put together little games that will occupy the children and give the adults some quiet time as well. Go to a dollar store and get a cookie sheet and grab some magnets. Print off on a sheet of paper shapes and cut out the shapes from felt and they can match the shapes/color.
Of course, you can search online for specific games/activities that suit your family, or if you are creative, you can also create your own, which can always be fun — especially if you involve your kids. For all of you traveling this summer, enjoy your vacations and making memories with your loved ones and, as always, safe travels!