Clay County Schools pre-school students swept the ninth month attendance race, with one class repeating from last month. The classrooms with the highest attendance rates were Mrs. Misty Nichols’ PK students, who also had the highest attendance in the district for the eighth school month, and Mrs. Barbara Dorsey’s PK students. From their excellent attendance rates, it is clear these teachers and students, as well as the students’ parents, understand the importance of coming to school daily.
Mrs. Nichols’ students had a 99.25% attendance rate for the ninth school month—the highest in the district for the second month running. She and classroom aide, Vicky Perdue, explained they made a concerted effort to call parents when students did not attend and, sometimes, assisted parents facing transportation issues by picking up the students and bringing them to school. This dedication helps explain why six of their seven students had perfect attendance for the ninth school month. Mrs. Nichols is a sixteen-year teaching veteran, working at Clay Elementary.
Mrs. Dorsey’s students scored a 98.87% attendance rate for the ninth school month. The class was comprised of three-year-old students, with some enrolled through Head Start. She and classroom aide, Jamie Williams, used a variety of classroom incentives to encourage students to attend school. Students earned prizes for every four days ( a full week for PK students) they attended, and they also incorporated rewards for good behavior. Their hard work shows in that 11 of their 14 students had perfect attendance during the ninth school month. Mrs. Dorsey has worked for 23 years, with eight of those years being at Clay Elementary. She has also worked with young students at Big Otter Elementary.
Congratulations to Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Dorsey, and their students!