By Betty Gandee

With school starting back for the 2018-2019 school year, H.E. White Elementary is welcoming back students with some major changes.
The staff, along with several community members, pulled together over the summer break to give the school a brand-new look. From fresh paint to newly constructed cubbies and new furniture, the students at H.E. White will hardly recognize their classrooms when they return this week.
The inside wasn’t the only thing getting attention, the school had a brand-new farm bot installed in the high tunnel green house that students will learn to work with this school year. With the concern of crops going to waste, volunteers tended and harvested many delicious vegetables from the greenhouse.

As you walked the halls of the school this past week, many classroom moms, P.T.O. members, and teachers were busy preparing classrooms, decorating bulletin boards, and offering a helping hand in anything that needed done to insure the school was in top shape to begin the school year.
Students will see many new faces as they enter the school. Ms. Reed will be the new Kindergarten teacher, and Mrs. Varney will be teaching third grade. Mrs. Caroll will tackle fourth grade, and Mr. Hamrick will be teaching the fifth grade. The new custodian will be Edna Belt.
H.E. White is excited to welcome students back and is looking forward to a great school year filled with fun and learning. The P.T.O has a lot of fun activities in store during the school year, including an upcoming Pioneer Pageant in September! Contact P.T.O President Audrea Gould for more information on activities at H.E. White Elementary, 304-548-7101.