With the upcoming primary election in May, candidates are attending ‘Meet the Candidates’ gatherings so voters in the community can get some one on one question time from the candidates that are running for office. Unfortunately, the weather over this past weekend wasn’t the greatest and the turn out wasn’t the greatest, but the candidates and those who attended had a good time in spite of the weather.
H.E. White Community School hosted a Chili cook off between the candidates running for office in our county and in our districts, since Clay County is in two different districts. Candidates set up tables with their chili and toppings of choice if wanted, along with the normal campaign items such as pens, note pads, cups, etc. The gym at H E White Community School was decorated in multiple colors from all of the campaign signs, etc.
Grand Prize winner in the Chili cook off was Angela Walker Cantrell who is running for family court judge. Shane Morton took First Place, he is running for Sheriff of Clay County. Susan Markle-Bodkins is running for Clay County Board of Education and she took second place. And third place went to Teresa Davis who is running for Clay County Assessor.