The first meeting of the Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society for 2019 was held on March 13 in the Clay County Library.
Present members were Janet Markle Koch, Jannette Douglas, Jim Miller, Eloise Boggs, and Jerry Stover.
President Jerry Stover called the meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting from Dec. 12, 2018, were read and approved. Jim gave the treasurer’s report.
Presidents Report:
- Danny Dawson, our website “guru,” has been hampered by health problems, and progress on expanding the website has been slowed. We need someone to assist in keeping this project going, and we would appreciate volunteers or information on persons who might be interested in helping us with our website.
- It is time to think of election of officers for the CCLC&HS.
- Rescheduling our next meeting: since the library will be closed the first week of April, our monthly meeting will be postponed a week to April 10.
Other Business:
- It was mentioned that Karen Walker is still working on the manuscript of the late Garnie Testa on the history of education in Clay County. She had questions on the locations of two schools, Blue Knob and Mt. Zion. Janet was able to clarify the confusion between the two and the information will be sent to Karen. Jim will also email pictures of Blue Knob School groups to Karen.
- Another question that Karen asked was, “Why was Lily 11 School so named?” Is that actually the number “eleven” after the name, or was is supposed to be the Roman numeral “two” since there was another Lily School? No one present had the answer, so we are asking the question to anyone who might know.
- Our mailing address has changed slightly. Our post office box number is now 363 instead of 670.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 10, 2019, at 1 p.m. at the Clay County Library.