On Aug. 4, the Golden Delicious Festival committee met and cast their vote on our new 2022 Golden Delicious Belle. There were seven nominations this year, and our new 2022 Belle is Mrs. Greta Brown. Greta was nominated by an anonymous person.
Greta is from Fola, and has been a lifelong resident of Clay County. She is most deserving to serve as our new Golden Delicious Belle. Greta used to make most of the dresses worn by the pageant contestants, and made fried apple pies to sell at the festival. She has made as many as 400 for a single festival. Greta and her husband, Otto, at one time hosted dinners for the Clay Panthers football team, staff, cheerleaders and various friends before every home game.
Greta and her family have been lifetime residents of Clay County and are always available when there is a public need, and will contribute. During the flood of 2016 she created and donated many quilts to those in need. She is most deserving!
The Belle Ceremony will be Friday, Sept. 16, at noon.
Congratulations Greta, our New 2022 Clay County Golden Delicious Apple Belle!