The Elk Conservation District (ECD) held its first Educational Dinner Meeting on Feb. 15 at Nettles Equipment in Servia. The meeting focused on several partners in conservation and featured a variety of presentations.
It was standing room only in the showroom of Nettles Equipment as the event drew a large crowd of over 180 landowners eager to learn ways to benefit from their crops, livestock, and property. Landowners in attendance were served dinner while they enjoyed presentations from Lee Duncan with Base Camp Leasing, Andy Sentz with the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Robin Ward with the Farm Service Agency (FSA), Mike Shamblin with the WVU Extension Agency, Johnny King with the WV Division of Forestry (WVDOF) and Dylan Johnson with the West Virginia Conservation Agency. Following the presentations, landowners were encouraged to visit booths of the presenters to learn more about the programs each agency had to offer.
The Dinner Meeting was sponsored in part by the above-mentioned agencies and landowners attended at no cost. The second event in this series will be held at the Nicholas County Career and Technical Center in Craigsville on Feb. 29. Landowners, ranchers, and farmers are encouraged to register and attend the event to learn best management practices for enhancing their land. Call the ECD office to make your reservation for the event.
The Elk Conservation District office is located on Airport Road in Sutton, West Virginia and serves Braxton, Clay, Nicholas and Webster Counties. The ECD Board of Supervisors consists of Linda Brown, Debbie Hamric, Keyota Jarvis, Jeremy Cantrell, Larry Greynolds, John Pitsenbarger, Mike Smalley and Clark Mollohan.