Attending were Jerry Stover, Katelin Hall, Carol Hutchinson and partner, Jannette Douglas, Jeanine Samples, and Eloise Boggs and friend. Introductions were given. The meeting was called to order. Fran King will be bringing in engineers to repair building to original condition through Grant preservation Paul’s preservation alliance, Shipo Grant. Possible grant for records preservation—available come around the fall. (WV Records Management)—up to $15,000.
Marker for courthouse to make it a historical landmarker. Signs out front have been cleaned. Big pine trees are bad, need to come down. Marker has been ordered, waiting on it.
We discussed separating our title. Historical Society separate, Clay County Landmarks Commission separate.
We need to have an election. As of now we have close to 300 members.
Katelin Hall was appointed the new editor for the newsletter, “Now and Then.”
Fran King mentioned that there are grants available to install signs around the county. The signs would be Folklore and Recipe Signs. Certain criteria, however, need to be met. If interested contact Fran King. Dream Host- no longer. We need a new website.
Cemetery Book: Printed, no longer until we get more information. The last book will be kept in the library for public use.
Two pictures of graduating class of 1951 and 1952. 1951 picture needs repair. The 1952 picture can be hung.
A motion and second to adjourn. Motion carried.
Submitted by Katelin Hall.