Two Clay County residents have recently completed their student teaching internships for Glenville State University (GSU).
Lori Ray of Wallback completed her student teaching at Geary Elementary/Middle School in Elementary Education (K-6) with Jackie Higginbotham and in Multi-categorical Special Education (K-6) with Regina Jurkovich. Dr. Gerda Kumpiene was her GSU supervisor. She is the daughter of Charles and Lisa Ray of Wallback. Ray graduated from the Cross Country Christian Academy in 2019.
Heather Sears of Duck completed her student teaching at Gilmer County Elementary School in Elementary Education (K-6) with Erica Dennison and in Multi-categorical Special Education (K-6) with Tamera Moore. Dr. Shelly Ratliff and Dr. Gerda Kumpiene were her GSU supervisors. She is the daughter of Sara and Jamie Sears of Duck. Sears graduated from Clay County High School in 2019.
Senior teacher education students take part in an

internship during their final semester at GSU. At the conclusion of their internship students must complete a presentation illustrating their mastery of the Interstate New Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards as well as the standards of their particular area of study.
For more information about the Teacher Education Program at Glenville State University, contact 304-462-4119.