The monthly meeting of the Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society was held at the Clay County Library on Thursday, Oct. 6, at 6 p.m. The meeting was attended by Janet Koch, Jerry Stover, Jannette Douglas, Jim Miller, Sandy Claybrook, Jeanine Samples, Marlene Postasnik, Danny Dawson, and Katelin Hall.
President Jerry Stover called the meeting to order. The minutes were read and approved, along with the treasurer’s report.
Old Business:
Our sign has been installed. We did get a table at the new courthouse during the Apple Festival, with the help of Janet Koch. Thank you. I would entertain a motion that we keep our regular meeting time as it is for the present time to accommodate those who have employment and cannot attend our meetings any other time and that the winter months recess remain the same. No one objected. Changes may be made in the New Year.
We discussed the following:
-Fran King is working on a grant for us and will give us an up-date on her progress in the near future.
-Jerry Stover and Katelin Hall attended the State Auditor’s Seminar for Municipal and County Boards and Authorities on Sept. 28, 2022. We have several things we need to change before we can become legal. We have until March 2023 to accomplish the changes. One of the things that will be available by then was that every county-run organization will have a payment option of paying fees online. We also need to make a copy of our Historical Society meeting agenda and post it in places where it can be read by the public three days prior to our scheduled meeting. We will have more discussions on these changes at future meetings.
-The heaters and electrical system must be updated in the Old Clay County Courthouse soon, or we will be looking at the closure of this building.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 3, at the Clay County Library at 6 p.m.