The monthly meeting of the Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society was held at the Clay County Library on Thursday, Sept. 1, at 6 p.m. This meeting was attended by Jeanine Samples, Janet Koch, Marlene Potasnik, Katelin Hall, Sandy Claybrook, Jim Miller, Carol Hutchinson, Oscar Hutchinson, Jerry Stover, and Danny Dawson.
President Jerry Stover called the meeting to order. The minutes were read and approved with corrections. The Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Old Business:
Our sign still needs to be installed. We need to reserve a space inside the new Clay Courthouse for the Apple Festival. Janet Koch volunteered to the talk to the people in charge of reservations. We would like a table set up on Saturday, Sept. 17, during the Apple Festival.
New Business:
Jim Miller, Vice President of our organization, took over the meeting. President Jerry Stover and editor Katelin Hall had to attend another meeting. A motion was held to sell the book “The Ringing of the Bells” at the Apple Festival. We would sell the book for $70 instead of $75 if the purchaser took the book with them. If we have to mail a copy of the book, we would charge $75. Motion carried.
We discussed the following:
- We will send a copy of the Clayborn Pierson book to the family.
- Annette (Sands) Botello, of Longmont, CO is interested in her ancestors. Sandy Claybrook is working on that.
- Katelin Hall, our newsletter editor, needs additional info for the newsletter “Now and Then.”
- Katelin Hall suggested we apply for a grant to preserve our old newspapers.
- We will be waiting to install our sign until an iron fence is installed around the monument.
- Evelyn McLaughlin would like to donate journals she received from a friend concerning “Twistabout Activities;” “back in the day.”
- Sandy Claybrook suggested to David Stack that he visit Clay during the Apple Festival; then he could talk to the people in charge of the cemeteries where he would like to be buried.
The next meeting will be Thursday, Oct. 6, at the Clay County Library at 6 p.m.