The CCLC&HS held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, August 5, outdoors behind Jerry Stover’s home. Present were Janet Koch, Jannette Douglas, Betty Robinson, Marlene Potasnik, Lenora Pettit, Jeanine Samples, Quincy Potasnik, Eloise Boggs, Sandra Claybrook, Jim Miller, Jerry Stover, and Fran King.
President Stover called the meeting to order. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved.
Presidents Report:
- Election of officers will follow under New Business.
- Contributions to the Society: Fred E. Smith Jr. has contributed two 1944 booklets which feature famous personalities of that era. A letter of thanks will be sent to him.
- Now and Then: Eloise reminded other that she always welcomes articles for publication in the newsletter. (A 1909 photo of a Mt. Zion School group was given by Janet to be included in a future issue.)
- Jerry read a letter he had written to the Clay County Health Department stating that an adjacent lot has no archeological or historical value that we know about; the lot was once the site of the B.F. Murphy Department Store. A motion was approved that we accept the letter as read to be seen to the Health Department.
- Edgar A. Price has requested a copy of a recording made by the CCHS Choir in 1978 in which he and Howard Gray both sang tenor. If any of our readers has a copy or information about the recording, please contact Jerry.
- Book Sales: We are selling two or three copies of “Ringing of the Bells” per week.
Old Business:
- Nomination of officers
- Stephanie Bryant, who does family genealogy research from her home, is still available. It was suggested that this information be put on Facebook for channeling inquiries to Stephanie.
New Business:
- Election of officers: President, Jerry Stover; Vice President, Jim Miller; Secretary, Jeanine Samples; Treasurer, Sandra Claybrook; Recorder, Eloise Boggs.
- Clay County Commissioner Fran King gave an update on bids for replacing the roof of the old courthouse. She also provided a lot of other practical and useful information. (The CCLC&HS occupies officers in the old courthouse under the stewardship of the Clay County Commission.)
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 1 p.m.